Best sustainable consumption project

Collaboration with Luxembourg Tech School

The Ministry for Consumer Protection supports the Luxembourg Tech School and in the development of innovative digital projects.

  1. ©MPC

    Paulette Lenert in exchange with LTS students

    Paulette Lenert in exchange with LTS students

  2. ©MPC

    (fr. l. to r.) Paulette Lenert (MPC); Sergio Coronado (LTS); Nasir Zubairi (LHoFT)

    (fr. l. to r.) Paulette Lenert (MPC); Sergio Coronado (LTS); Nasir Zubairi (LHoFT)

During the winter semester 2021/2022, students of the master's program in computer science have been tasked with developing digital solutions in the field of sustainability and climate.
The 3 best projects were awarded on February 2 and are financially supported by the MPC.

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